International Council of Associations for Service Users and Family Carers

The WPA XVII WORLD CONGRESS OF PSYCHIATRY 2017 is dedicated to promoting communication and networking between psychiatrists, nursing and allied health professionals and associations of service users and family carers. Therefore a council has been founded that represents several associations for service users and family carers. It will play an active role in shaping the scientific programme by organising Joint Sessions with all three stakeholder groups and thus presenting the full range of perspectives. The call for abstracts explicitly asks for submissions of Joint Sessions with service users and family carers.

The following associations are members of the council (in alphabetical order):


ADHS Deutschland e. V.
Hartmut Gartzke, Patrick Boerner (Germany)

AG BEZ – Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bund der "Euthanasie"-Geschädigten und Zwangssterilisierten
Margret Hamm (Germany)

AHA! – Angehörige helfen Angehörigen psychisch erkrankter Menschen/HPE – Hilfe für Angehörige psychisch Erkrankter e. V. 
Sigrid Steffen (Austria)

Aktionsbündnis Seelische Gesundheit
Ruth Fricke (Germany)

Alzheimer Europe
Jean Georges (Luxembourg) 

Angst-Hilfe e. V.
Diethelm Höcherl, Christian Zottl (Germany)

Antipsychiatrieverlag & Versandbuchhandel et al.
Peter Lehmann (Germany)

Anonyme Alkoholiker Interessengemeinschaft e. V.
Jürgen Hoß (Germany)

Association for Assistance in Mental Distress TK Fenix
Vahid Dulovic (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

BApK – Bundesverband der Angehörigen psychisch Kranker e. V.
Gudrun Schliebener (Germany)

bipolaris e. V.
Uwe Wegener (Germany)

BOP&P e. V.
Reinhard Wojke (Germany) 

Anja Link (Germany)

Bundesverband der Ärztinnen und Ärzte des öffentlichen Gesundheitsdienstes e. V. (BVÖGD)
Ute Teichert (Germany)

Deutsche Alzheimer Gesellschaft e. V./Selbsthilfe Demenz
Sabine Jansen (Germany)

Deutsche DepressionsLiga
Olaf Colditz, Martin Schultz (Germany) 

DGBS – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Bipolare Störungen e. V.
Cornelia Brummer, Horst Harich (Germany)

DGSP – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziale Psychiatrie e. V.
Asmus Finzen (Germany)

EDA – European Depression Association
Vincenzo Costigliola (Belgium)

ENUSP – European Network of (Ex-)Users and Survivors of Psychiatry/Horizon Foundation
Gabriela Tanasan (Romania)

EUFAMI – European Federation of Associations of Families of People with Mental Illness
Janine Berg-Peer (Belgium)

EUROCARE – European Alcohol Policy Alliance
Peter Rice (Belgium)


INTAR – International Network Toward Alternatives and Recovery
Peter Lehmann (Germany)

Guttempler in Deutschland
Wiebke Schneider (Germany)

Irre menschlich Hamburg e. V.
Thomas Bock (Germany)

LVPE RLP - Landesverband Psychiatrie Erfahrener Rheinland-Pfalz e. V.
Franz-Josef Wagner (Germany)


MHE – Mental Health Europe
Stijn Jannes (Belgium)

Pandora Selbsthilfe Psychiatrie-Erfahrener e. V.
Brigitte Richter (Germany) 

Tourette Gesellschaft Deutschland e. V.
Michele Dunlap (Germany)

UPD Switzerland Counseling
Sybille Glauser (Switzerland)

WNUSP – World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry
Salam Gómez (Colombia)

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Scientific Secretariat

Julie Holzhausen

DGPPN Head Office Berlin


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